Have you ever spend hours in front of your closet pondering
on what you should wear? Yes I have been one of those people several times in my life. The way you dress and the way you approach individuals
is important because it affects how people identify you as a person. If your outfit
is clean, well-ordered and professional, it shows that you take care of yourself
and your position of business. Dress code in your workplace can range from
casual to formal.
Business casual is usually in the middle between business
clothing and what you wear on a day to day bases. Even if your company or
school house says “business casual”, your clothing should away be neat and try
to avoid wearing a lot of your street day clothing. Business formal is leaning on what you should
wear on your interview day such as a suit, skirt. Etc. Here at Prairie View
A&M University education department we tend to follow the formal attire
because you should always set yourself up for the best. Everywhere you go you
should present yourself being a teacher in preparation.